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Fortnite pick up lines 🔫 in 2024

You must be a Scar, you have Golden written all over you.

I just survived Titled Towers, so I’m totally looted up right now.

You have built into my heart.

You have built into my heart.

Quick, hide in my ATK.

If you are a default, I will carry you all night long.

Damn girl, you must be purple save.

Girl are you victory royal? You are my only one out of 100.

So, do you have a lot of materials that need harvesting? I’m a great harvester!

No shockwave grenade is going to keeps you away from me.

Call me cupid Cause I Just landed a crossbow shot to your heart.

You must be Cupid cause you pierced my heart. 

I promise I ain’t no double-pump chump.

You just won the battle royal to my heart.

How about you let me explore that chest of yours, huh?

I’ll show you how to have fun in pleasant park

Have you ever been sprayed by a minigun?

If your legs were a chest I’d open you right up

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