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Fortnite pick up lines 🔫 in 2024

I’ll be your duo queue tonight.

I would love to harvest your materials.

You’ll be wailing at my woods.

I’ll be your duo queue tonight.

My health is low and I have no shield and no weapon. The only cure is for me to chug on those jugs of yours.

Fancy some pump action?

I would drop my gold scar for you.

You must be a Loot Pinata. Yes, it involves smacking. Don’t make me spell this pick-up line for you.

How many bucks to see your V

You are as rare as a purple RPG from a chest.

Are you purple save cause I’m checking you out.

Is your name Mire?
Because I’m making you Moisty.

I want to jump in your rift and show you a whole new world.

I’m gonna take u to pleasant park and shove my shifty shaft inside your dusty depot.

Want me to grease up your grove tonight?

The only solo win I desire is You.

I love you by default!

Want to enjoy your time in Pleasant Park?
You’ve come to the right guy!

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