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Football pick up lines 🏈 in 2024

I’m at my best during overtime.

I’ve never made an incomplete pass, and I hope you won’t be my first.

Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
You know, speaking of smiles, they say Chris Johnson has the best one in the NFL!

Instead of zone defense, can we try some man-to-woman coverage tonight?

I think you’re a keeper.

Hey is your name Vincent?
Because I really need your Kompany.

I can score more often than the average soccer player.

Hey, do you have an iPhone?
My friends told me to FaceTime them if I ever saw an angel. Are you sure your aren’t a cheerleader either?

You should be wearing a jersey so i dont have to ask for your name or number

Is your name Patrice?
Because I want to keep you for Evra.

I hear your thirsty?
Well I’ve got a six pack right here!

At Quarterback: Does he have a shovel in his back pocket cause I’m digging that ass.

I’m going to go for two after I score.

Are you a Titans fan?
Because you are the only Ten I see

Wanna see my world cup in action?

I must say you’re more beautiful than the beautiful game.

Do you have a map?
I seem to have gotten lost in your eyes. You know, the kind of look Eli Manning has on the field after an interception?

Know what’s on the menu? Me-n-u. I just wanted to know if you enjoy playing Madden NFL 25 on PlayStation 4 because if so, we could be teammates.

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