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Food pick up lines 🍔🍟🍕 in 2024

I can’t control myself around you. You turn me into a muenster.

I know we just met, but will you marinade me?

Are you McDonalds?
‘Cause you’re going straight to my thighs.

Do you want fries with that shake!

Girl your like a candy bar half nuts n half sweet!

I heard you like DIM SUM, well you gonna take this dick and DIM SUM more.

You’re looking so sweet, you’ve got my eyes glazed over like doughnuts.

Just like at BK, You’re the boss. (Burger King)

Baby, if you were a fruit you’d be a fineapple.

You’re the Colby to my Monterey Jack.

Are you from Starbucks?
Because I like you a latte.

Let’s pretend you’re a farm and I’ll be the table.

My junks like Papa Johns, better ingredients, better p****. 

If it’s true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning!

I don’t mean to brag, but I’m grate in bread.

I can last longer than cast iron.

Do you like Wendy’s.. Cause your going to love wendys balls slap against yo face

They say apples don’t fall far from the tree, so that must mean your mom’s hot too

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