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Flirty pick up lines 😉 in 2024

You already know how much I really like you. So, what are you going to do about it?

Okay, let’s skip the small talk and go straight to flirting.

I may not be a genie, but I can make your dreams come true.

You’re pretty and I’m cute. Together, we’d be PRETTY CUTE!

Hey sexy.

You are out of my sight, but in my mind.

I need an oxygen tank because you take my breath away.

Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off?

I envy your footwear. I want to be like them so I can be with you every step of the way.

My lips on your lips would be magical.

You know what would be even better than a text back?
An invitation to dinner!

All this time, I thought I was invincible. But then you came and beat me with your smile.

Girl, you’re really doing those trousers a favor!

My parents told me not to talk to strangers. So, how about we be friends?

I just made a bet with my brother/sister. He/She said that you’re taken already. I told him/her that you’re mine for the taking. So, who won the bet?

To know me is to love me. Are you ready to get to know me?

If I told you that you’ve got a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

Just so you know, I’m not flirting with you. I’m just being extra nice to you since you’re extra attractive.

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