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Fishing pick up lines 🎣🐟 in 2024

You see my friend over there trying to fly fish?
[Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I’M cute.

Let’s spend the next 3 days in bed. I’ll be Jonah and you be the whale.

Boy: Have u ever been fishing before?
Girl: Why? Boy: I think we should hook up!

How aboat you come back to my place and check out my huge tank

There are a lot of fish in the sea, but you’re the only one I’d like to catch and mount back home.

I have a lucky pole.

I bet you love whales and I want to get into your blowholes. 

Driftin with an attractor like you, baby, is always ‘drag free’.

I normally fish for trout but I’ll make and exception for you.

When you’ve got beauty like yours you don’t need to use bait.

Your hair really looks like a beautiful bunch of micro sword.

What’s a gal like you in an ocean like this!

Are you Swedish?
Because you’re the sweetish fish in the sea!

Hey baby, if I were a fish, I’d be hooked on you.

Is this catch and release, cause I DON’T want to let you go.

You should see the size of the one that got away.

A whale ate my girlfriend, will you be mine?

Can i fish in your pond?

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