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Fishing pick up lines 🎣🐟 in 2024

Wanna come back to my place and scrub algae?

Hey, babe, you believe in love at first sight?
Or should I swim by again.

You are so cute. I wish I could turn myself inside out and digest you.

Fishing with you in September is best because you can’t ‘run-off’.

I wish you were a fish so I could reel you in.

You just reeled me in with your beauty.

You’re a reel catch

Babe, it’s time to get out of this fishbowl and see the real world with me.

Hey girl, where you fin all my life?

Mind if I reel you in?

You’re like an award-winning fish. And I want to catch you tonight.

Are you just pleased to see me, or you are happy seeing these whales. 

Could you hold my eel?
He is a slippery little fucker.

I don’t know if you’’ve ever been fishing, but I think we should hook up.

Wanna see my big lure?

I can’t get my eyes off the way your caudal moves.

I don’t know whether to mount you or eat you. You are like a prize winning shark.

Girl, I would never throw you back once I catch you.

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