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Engineering pick up lines 👨🏻‍🔧 in 2025

Girl you have cuter dimples than a cardioid!

You’re hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power.

By looking at you I can tell you’re 36-25-36, which by the way are all perfect squares.

I’d like to get you under your fume hood!

You increase my Young’s modulus.

Oh, oh, oh. You have curves like a sine function.

Since distance equals velocity times time, let’s let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.

I’d like to browse through your clothes like I browse through Firefox.

Hey baby, are you a router?
Because I saw you checking out my packet

My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing.

You’re more intriguing to me than the Hodge conjecture.

You are like a high amperage current and I’m a high resistance wire, cause you’ve got me hot.

Has anyone ever called you FAT?
They were dead-wrong! You are NTFS, obviously.

I like the area bounded by your two curves.

Want a 100% uptime night?

Want to come to my house?
I have a microprocessor you could play with.

Your or mine?

Can I do your Systems Analysis?

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