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Dog pick up lines 🐶 in 2024

That fire hydrant might be fake, but you are REAL pretty.

I may not look like Lassie, but I know how to lick!

Hey Gorgeous, can I buy you a liver treat?

I want to have your puppies.

I’d never keep you on a short leash.

You make me want to be a more obedient dog.

I’ll be your tramp, if you will be my lady?!

I’ll sniff your butt if you sniff mine.

Do you pee here often?

It was love at first sniff.

Your bark is contagious.

The sparkle in your eyes are so bright, the stars must be jealous.

When I say ‘bitch’, I mean it as a compliment!

I don’t normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.

There’s not a crate strong enough in the world to keep me from you.

Hey Baby, howl ya doin’?

Did you win “best in the show”?
Because you sure are a winner to me.

I don’t normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.

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