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Dog pick up lines 🐶 in 2024

Your doghouse or mine?

Is it warm in here, or are you in the heat?

I’m a poodle in the streets, but a bulldog in the sheets.

I love seafood, and your breath smells like crab cakes.

What say we take this discussion off-leash.

Knick-knack, Paddy-whack, you just gave this dog a bone(r)!

Since chocolate is toxic to me, how ’bout a little sugar?

Come on, don’t make me beg!

I’m looking for a no-strings-attached cuddle buddy.

You smell so familiar.

You’re cute, can I keep you?

I came here looking for a little tail.

Have your people call my people.

Need rescuing?

Yeah, I love to chase my tail. Butt, I would much rather chase yours!

I’ll sniff your butt if you sniff mine.

Your doghouse or mine?

Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again?

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