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Dog pick up lines 🐶 in 2024

When I say ‘bitch’, I mean it as a compliment!

I don’t normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.

There’s not a crate strong enough in the world to keep me from you.

Hey Baby, howl ya doin’?

Did you win “best in the show”?
Because you sure are a winner to me.

I don’t normally pick up at the park. I let my owner do it.

I’ll be your tramp if you’ll be my lady.

You make my heart feel like it’s getting tummy-rubbed.

I’m a Poodle in the streets, but a Bulldog in the sheets.

Sniff my butt. It’s the quickest way to my heart.

Dog heaven must be missing an angel.

Lookin’ good, Rover. Are you single?
Think Buddy here could get your number?

Your breath smells like Greenies.

Hi! My name is Microsoft. Can I crash at your place tonight?

I came here looking for a little tail.

You can pee on my fire hydrant all night long.

I love – Squirrel.

This dog is beautiful. I see he takes after his owner.

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