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Disney pick up lines 👸🏻🤴 in 2025

Minnie, want to see my polka dot bed sheets?

Hey, Cinderella. Call me midnight ’cause when I come around I’ll make your dress disappear.

Am I a beast? ‘Cause you’re definitely a beauty.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Let’s play Pinocchio. You sit on my face and I’ll tell you lies.

Can I get into your cave of wonders?

I’m so lost in your eyes I’m like Nemo. You better find me.

Can I Hakuna your ma-tatas?

Call me Pooh, because all I want is you, honey.

Let me ring your Belle with my Beast.

Your body is a wonderland, and I’d like to be Alice.

I like a woman who speaks her mind & can handle a long sword.

Give me a Woody and I’ll make you Buzz for light years.

And for all of you who are looking for the more NSFW pick-up lines, here you go, you perverts.

I must be Lighting McQueen, ‘cause you’ve got my heart racing.

I’ll bippity bop you, girl.

I’ll make you want to spend more time in bed with me than Sleeping, Beauty.

Call me Pooh, because all I want is you, honey.

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