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Dinosaur pick up lines 🦖 in 2024

Let’s go back to my place so you can play with my bonersaurus.

Baby girl you’re like dino-mite.

You like dinosaurs, I like dinosaurs, what are we waiting for?

You wanna pretend you are an archeologist and dust my bone?

Hey, wanna come over and examine my collection of Folsom points?

That a new club in your loincloth or you happy to see me?

You make my heart fly like a Pterodactyl.

Want to play archaeologist and dust the bone in my pants?

Are you checking out my fangs or should I walk by again? (sabretooth tiger)

I’d wish you’d stegosaurus the night.

What a nice pair of platform mounds you got there!

Are you going hunting because that’s a nice club under your loincloth.

Everyone thinks us carnivores can’t be sensitive.

Funny, you don’t look Jurassic.

Me Homo Erectus! Stop laughing, that not mean me gay!

You bring out the caveman in me.

Hey, do you want to hiber-mate.

Archaeologists find bones but I bet no archaeologist will find the one I’d like to bury in you.

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