While approaching any sweet and pretty girl for the first time, make sure to be confident and present yourself with a breathtaking smile as well. Cute pick up lines will work for you in case you have the proper attitude as well as disposition while dealing with the woman. These pick up lines are from men and women to use when they want to attract the opposite gender for a romantic relationship.
If I had a quarter for each time I thought of you, I’d only have a quarter. You’re all I think about.
By: Waltraud
(2) I’m no organ donor but I’d be happy to give you my heart.
By: Farrah
(0) I’m no electrician, but I can light up your day.
By: Layne
(0) If being in love was illegal, will you be my partner in crime?
By: Felix
(0) I should call you Google, because you have everything I’m looking for.
By: Wynona
(0) I always thought happiness started with H. But, why does mine start with U?
By: Annis
(0) Boy: (While she’s leaving) Hey, aren’t you forgetting something?
Girl: What?
Boy: Me
By: Jennifer
(0) I lost my Teddy bear, will you sleep with me?
By: Melani
(0) Your lips look lonely would they like to meet mine?
By: Dakota
(0) Are you a magnet cause I’m pulled in to you tonight.
By: Karolyn
(0) I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I could never forget a beautiful smile like yours.
By: Franklyn
(0) These voices in my head that have been telling me to come over here and talk to you.
By: Santa
(1) Stand still so I can pick you up!
By: Kennith
(0) My friends bet I can’t talk to the prettiest girl. Wanna use their money to buy drinks?
By: Timmy
(0) Take off your shirt, I want to be closer to your heart.
By: Isis
(0) I think your hand looks heavy.
Would you like me to hold it for you?
By: Cherry
(0) If I had a nickel every time I saw someone as beautiful as you then I would have 5 cents.
By: Mandy
(0) Boy: Are you a magnet?
Girl: No.
Boy: Damn, I’m really attracted to you.
By: Sulema
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What are cute pick up lines?
These are actually funny and hilarious openers which will allow you to converse with the girl in the best possible way in case you apply them at the proper time and at the proper place. As mentioned earlier, pick up lines will be great in case you present them confidently and smartly in a hilarious manner. All women are fond of humor, and if these pick up lines are humorous, then half the battle is won by you in the first place. While delivering these openers, make sure not to stutter or stammer, and for this, you might drink a shot of your swagger while approaching her. Moreover, make proper eye contact all the while when you are interacting with your woman. Of course, these rules are applicable for men as well. Some of the most interesting cute and smooth openers that you might deliver can be like this: “Did you have any idea that our bodies consist mainly of water? And I am thirsty.” Or, “Did we get married in our past lives?” “According to some people, sex happens to be a killer. Do you like to die happy and satisfied?” While several of these above-mentioned pickup lines are amongst the funniest ones you will ever come across, others are quite romantic as well. In case these are conveyed in a proper manner, you’ll surely be able to capture the heart of your crush. Have the proper type of attitude and your entire body ought to exude confidence that will help to make the girl attracted to you. However, refrain from using these openers in case you think that the person is in bad mood. In that case, there will be every possibility for you to become rejected as well as humiliated.
How to respond to cute pick up lines?
In case you are meeting somebody who is unknown to you, it will be sensible to figure out the best strategy of flirting with him or her. You will come across several ways for doing that thanks to the advancement of technology. Funny, smooth, cute, and corny pick up lines will be one of the best ways to start conversing with females who are interested to meet you as well. In the following paragraphs, we have mentioned several ways to respond to these openers that you should be aware of.
Try to be cute as well
It will be a good idea to respond to the pick up lines used by your crush since it will provide both of you with the opportunity of enjoying one another’s company. This will also make the guy aware of what sort of response can be expected by using these types of lines. In case you respond to him positively, he will come to know that you are interested in him.
Tie the knot
Lots of cute pick up lines are used by boys regarding marriage at present, and therefore, it will be sensible on your part to show up the ring finger and observe his reaction to it. This will help you to comprehend whether he is serious about you or not.
Make friendship with the bartenders
While you are alone in the pub and interacting with someone who is not known to you, there is every possibility for you to land up in a dangerous situation. In that case, it will be best to make friends with the bartenders since they will be observing that you happen to be alone and are in need of help. They will surely come to your rescue.
Stay firm
In case you do not find the person to be interesting, make sure to inform him regarding that and stay firm in your decision. Although it might hurt him initially, there is no harm in being honest. This will help you to avoid any undesirable situation in the future.