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Cringy pick up lines in 2024

I would say God bless you, but it looks like he already did.

I’m going for a walk… will you hold this? (hold out your hand)

Are you a parking ticket?
Because you have fine written all over you!

I Know Somebody Who Likes You But If I Weren’t So Shy, I’d Tell You Who.

I’ll Show You My Tan Lines If You Show Me Yours.

You are so sweet that you’re giving me a toothache.

Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?

I’m Not Trying To Impress You Or Anything, But… I’m Batman!

You Are So Unblemished That I Would Sacrifice You

There must be something wrong with my eyes. I can’t take them off you.

Is your father a thief?
Because someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.

Guess What I’m Wearing? The Smile You Gave Me.

I’m Addicted To Yes, And I’m Allergic To No. So What’s It Gonna Be?

There must be something wrong with my cell phone because it doesn’t have your number on it.

Are you my pinky toe?
Because I’d bang you on all my furniture.

If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put U and I together.

They Say Not To Judge A Book By It’s Cover, But I Don’t Even Know You, And I’m Checking You Out.

Do You Know Karate?
Cause Your Body’s Kickin!

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