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Coronavirus pick up lines 🦠😷🔬💉 in 2024

If the corona virus doesn’t take you out May I?

That mask brings out the beauty in your eyes.

I got a stimulus package that guaranteed to improve your economy.

Are you with job keeper?
Because you are a keeper in my eyes

Are you looking for a naughty girl? Because I only washed my hands for 19 seconds.

Did it hurt when you fell from 100.4°F?

Sanitize me harder.

Are you the corona virus?
Because youre breathtaking

Are you COVID-19 because if I had you near me I wouldn’t leave the house for two weeks straight

I’m just a girl, standing 6 feet away from a boy. Asking him to maybe move back another foot. Thanks

Hey are you the Coronavirus?
Because you have an infectious smile that might just kill me because I’d struggle to be socially distanced from you.

Baby, do you need toilet paper? Because I can be your Prince Charmin.

I saw you there across the bar. Stay there.

Our love is like COVID-19. No one saw it coming and we move fast.

Is heaven your quarantine zone?
Because I think you are an Angel.

I wash my hands when there’s no pandemic too.

We can have our happily hoarding ever after…

If COVID-19 doesn’t take you out, can I?

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