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Computer pick up lines 🖥️🖱️ in 2024

Is your name Google?
Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.

I think you could be an integral part of my project life cycle.

Girl, you are hotter than the bottom of my laptop.

You type really fast and I am wondering if you can type me somehow, maybe tonight?

Before you, I was a PC without a power outlet.

My ‘up-time’ is better than BSD.

I must be using Apple maps, because I keep getting lost in your eyes.

Are you a single computer?
Because it seems that you already know things about my heart.

Are you a computer whiz… it seems you know how to turn my software to hardware.

Don’t worry, the first couple of times it’s always Abort, Retry, Fail.

I was hoping you wouldn’t block my pop-up.

What’s the difference between a crush and a Facebook account?
[what?] I’m not rapidly developing a Facebook account on you.

Baby, I have a stick then can transfer some very good data, would you mind seeing it?

Baby you must be Google Glasses, because you augment my reality

Hey cutie! I have a processor, and if you have an empty slot on your motherboard.

You make my software turn into hardware!

If you have an empty slot, I have the card to fill it.

I’d ask if you come here often, but I already stalk you on FourSquare.

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