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Computer pick up lines 🖥️🖱️ in 2024

I googled your name earlier… I clicked on ‘I’m Feeling Lucky.’

I could have flirted with you but I’d rather seduce you with my computer engineering skills.

Baby, you make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive

I am a Boolean method whose love will always return true.

You still use Internet Explorer?
You must like it nice and slow.

You are the Apple of my i-Mac.

You must be some computer scientist?
Because you surely can decode these feelings I have.

[me != me]. [me += you].

Could I have your I.P.?

Mind if I run a sniffer to see if your ports are open?

I didn’t mean to ogle you, but I’d sure like to Google you.

We click, you and I like some sort of pointing device and I love every moment with you.

Are your pants a compressed file?
Because I’d love to unzip them!

Hey baby, did you know I am wearing a C-String?

What’s a nice girl like you doing in a chatroom like this?

How about we go home and you handle my exception?

I do not know the concept of space but I can give you around some megabytes in my heart.

Baby, you must be running a TCP protocol, since every time I talk to you, your body gives me an acknowledgment!

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