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Computer pick up lines 🖥️🖱️ in 2024

Are you a double?
The thought of you always floats inside my head.

Every once and a while two numbers meet, link, and become forever binary.

Want to see my Red Hat?

I need to hop over to Facebook for a second to change my status to smitten.

Baby, let’s make our night just like the Internet Explorer — nice and slow, you’ll love it.

Baby you’re so cute you made my page 404.

Hey, how ’bout I take off your cover and insert a bigger CPU.

Is your name Wi-fi?
Because I’m really feeling a connection.

WebMD says your love is contagious.

Can I do a penetration test on your back door?

You can be a start button for all I care because you always know how to turn me on good.

Can you be my ActionListener?
That way you notice everything that I do.

You’ve stolen the ASCII to my heart.

I’ll bet my hard drive is the biggest you’ve ever seen.

Are you like a DVD port?
Coz I must be a CD and you are spinning my mind like crazy.

Are you an angel, because your texture mapping is divine!

Girl, are you Wi-Fi? Cuz im feeling the connection!

If you won’t let me buy you a drink, at least let me fix your laptop.

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