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Coffee pick up lines ☕ in 2024

They say coffee and cigarettes are good together but I know a better combination, you and I.

Take that coffee away, it is about to get real steamy in here.

Aside from the aroma of coffee, your scent is my next favorite.

Giving me your number sounds like a fair trade.

Can I get your number?
Because I like you a latte

You giving me your number sounds like a fair trade.

You mocha me crazy!

I don’t mind drinking your favorite as long as I am drinking it with you.

I can feel something brewing between the two of us.

I do not have caffeine in my system but you managed to make my heart jump.

Do you prefer French Press or Bialetti for your morning coffee?

We should get some coffee because I’m liking you a latte.

You’ve turned me down before but I’m asking for an extra shot

Excuse me, but my Chai gave me an awful tongue burn. I think I need mouth-to-mouth.

You are way fresher than green coffee beans

This coffee is steaming up my glasses or is that just you?

Barista: “Can I have a name for that order?”

This coffee is steaming up my glasses or is that just you?

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