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Clever pick up lines 🤯 in 2024

You shouldn’t wear makeup. It’s messing with perfection!

Can I borrow a kiss?
I promise I’ll give it back.

What’s wrong?
You’re looking a little sad and gloomy. What you need is some Vitamin me.

Look, I’m just trying to drink here, but you’re very distracting.

Can we try to communicate telepathically since it’s so loud in here?

I’m psychic and can see the future, and I saw you were my boyfriend.

You are absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous, and that’s the least interesting thing about you.

God almost didn’t make you. He was afraid the angels would get jealous.

Is there something you’d like to tell me?

Are you a weeping angel ?
Cause I can’t take my eyes off you.

My magic watch says that you don’t have on any underwear. (She says yes I do) Oh fuck! This thing is an hour fast.

There’s something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it.

If a kiss was a snowflake, I would send you a snowstorm.

I’m going for a walk. Would you hold this?
(Then hold out your hand.)

Where are we going when we leave here?

I want you to be my emergency contact person

Hi, do you have a few minutes for me to hit on you?

So, I guess the gods on Mt. Olympus kicked you out because they were jealous?

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