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Catholic pick up lines 😇🙏⛪ in 2024

I lost my misslette, can I borrow yours?

It’s obvious you sprouted from the good kind of soil.

The Gianna to my Pietro?

Do you believe in Divine Appointment?

How about you and me get some fish this Friday?

I would like to study the theology of your body.

May I offer you a light for that votive candle?

Wanna go to adoration together? My parish or yours?

(for the gentleman)God said it is not good for man to be alone. So how about it?

God has used you to teach me what true love really is

I consider myself to be fisher of women. This would be referred to as “casting my net.”

Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

Pray here often?

Friends listen to Amazing Grace in the dark!

Aye girl. Gimme Psalm of that.

Hey girl, I know when Septuagesima starts.

I love you like Abelard loved Heloise… but without the fornication, lying, public disgrace or castration.

It’s Palm Sunday, may I hold your palm?

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