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Catholic pick up lines 😇🙏⛪ in 2024

Christ may be the bread of life, but you’re the butter.

Hey girl. Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to sit next to you during the prayer so that we can hold hands.

I think I’m called to marriage, can I call you sometime?

Let’s be like Noah and do this as a pair.

The sight of you leaves me apophatic.

Do you want to be accountability partners?

I always wanted a Josephite marriage… until I met you.

I’ve been reading Joshua, but how many times do I have to walk around you before you fall for me?

My vocations director said i should talk to you . . . .

Want to come over and watch the 10 Commandments?

Are you a penitential season?
Because I’d give up anything for you.

Guy: Shouldn’t you be at confession?
Girl: Why? Guy: Isn’t stealing someone’s heart against the 7th commandment?

I have to wear sunglasses when I’m around you because your halo shines so bright.

Is your name Faith?
Because you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.

So, what would you say to some paschal breakfast tomorrow? (daily mass)

Confess here often?

Hey girl. Unfortunately, I can’t perform miracles, and I only have enough fish and bread for two people…

I think it’s cute when we’re in the car and you turn down the music when a swear word is coming up.

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