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Cat pick up lines 🐱 in 2024

You are purrfect.

If i said you have nice fur, would you hold it against me?

You remind me off a leopard… or a tiger. Either way, I don’t mind the claws

I’m purrty sure if you didn’t give us a chance you’d be kitten yourself later.

How you feline?
Cause you purrfect, I’m not kitten!

Be mine it’s meow or never

My cat’s dead, can I play with your pussy instead?

Are you a bag of treats? Because I wanna sample you.

I love cats. I heard you have a nice pussy. Can I play with her?

I’d give up one of my 9 lives for you.

I have a cat, she would like to meet you.

They call me the cat whisperer, cause I know exactly what the pussy needs.

So, you meow here often?

Since I met you, I feel like the cat who got the cream.

You can also call me the cat whisperer. I know precisely what the pussy needs.

If I were a cat, I’d spend all 8 lives with you

You’re my pajamas.

I’d give up one of my 9 lives just to be with you.

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