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Cat pick up lines 🐱 in 2025

I like cats more than dogs.

Cat call me.

My vet says I’m lacking in vitamin U.

Are we in the litter box?
Because I’m diggin’ you.

You remind me off a leopard… or a tiger. Either way, I don’t mind the claws.

My cat’s dead, can I play with your pussy instead?

I like you furry much

We’d make the purrfect couple

I like you furry much.

I’m not high on nip, I’m just intoxicated with you.

Are you a bag of treats?
Because I wanna sample you.

Let’s litter.

Are you one of them hot cougars that pick up young willing men?

If you were a cat, I’d let you sleep in my bed every night.

I love cats. I heard you have a nice pussy. Can I play with her?

Dinner and a mewvie?

Now that’s a stray cat strut

Where have you been hiding all my 8 lives?

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