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Car pick up lines 🚗 in 2025

Hey baby, if you were a car, I’d let you jump me.

I see you have high beams as well

Smile while lifting a sign that says, “Am listening to Car Talk. Wanna listen together?

Your car’s power and movement turns my wheels.

Do you think I could borrow a cup of power steering fluid?

Hey pull over, your car is on Fire!

If you were a car door, I’d slam you all night long.

What’s a nice girl like you doing in a car like that?

Hello. I’m sorry but I’m lost. Can you show me the road to happiness?

I bet your dual source of energy means you’re up for a good time.

My nuts are made of titanium.

You make me glow as bright as your dashboard.

Can you help me reconfigure my GPS system?
I need directions to get into your pants.

Hey baby, if you were a car, I’d totally wreck you.

I’d drive a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther

That aerodynamic architecture sure makes you look good.

Your exit or mine?

Do you want to race?
[long pause waiting for laughter to subside] Well, I guess we can’t race now. Why don’t you give me your phone number and we can arrange a time and place later?

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