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Calculus pick up lines in 2024

I need a little help with my Calculus, can you integrate my natural log?

Hi baby! I not good at algebra but you and I together make 69!!!

Do I sense a bijection between us?
Because I would like to inject my homomorphism onto you.

If I’m sine and you’re cosine, wanna make like a tangent?

Is your contravariant hom-functor left exact? Cause I’d like to inject into you.

Hello baby! Why can’t love be a one to one function?
Then our relationship could be injective.

Hello babe , but can I get your seven significant digits?

I wish I were your second derivative love so I could investigate your concavities.

You and I must be inverse logical functions. Because I could compliment you all day!

Honey, you’re sweeter than pi.

Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!

I’ll be the one over your cosx and baby, we can have secx!

Hello baby! If I were a function you would be my asymptote – I always tend towards

You must be the square root of -1.Because you can’t be real.

My love for you is like pi. Irrational and never ending.

My love for you is like y=2x… exponentially growing.

I’m not being obtuse baby, you are being acute

Whoops love, I think my binomials just expanded

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