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Calculus pick up lines in 2025

I need a little help with my Calculus, can you integrate my natural log?

Hi baby! I not good at algebra but you and I together make 69!!!

Do I sense a bijection between us?
Because I would like to inject my homomorphism onto you.

If I’m sine and you’re cosine, wanna make like a tangent?

Is your contravariant hom-functor left exact? Cause I’d like to inject into you.

I wish I was your derivative love so I could lie tangent to your curves

If I went binary love, you would be the 1 for me.

I am good at math… let us add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply!

Want to go to my place, divide those legs and try to multiply?

I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves.

Hello babe! I don’t like my current friend. Mind if I do a you‑substitution?

Hello baby! What do math and my dick have in common?
They’re both hard for you

Yeah, I’m pretty much the Bruce Lee of calculus.

Baby, you are like a student and I am like a math book… you solve all my problems!

I will take you to your limit if you show me your end behavior.

I think that convex butts are ALWAYS better than concave butts baby. You look toned

You may be out of my range babe , but I’d love to show you my domain.

Hey girl, what’s you sine?
It must be pi/2 because you are the 1.

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