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British pick up lines 💂 in 2025

You can dump tea in my harbor any time.

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Hey are you the British economy?
Because I want to give you a weak pound.

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Wish I was British so I could say “could you polish me nob?”

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Did you sit in sugar?
Because you have a sweet ass.

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Are you my phone charger?
Because without you, I’d die.

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Are you British?
Cuz you just colonised my heart.

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Hey babe, can I colonize your land and exploit you for your natural resources.

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Are you the British museum Cuz you stole my (he)art

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This may be cheesy, but I think you’re grate.

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Do you plan on going to see Big Ben anytime soon, because he’s right here in my pants.

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I understand the British are coming. I have to believe it’s all your fault, baby…

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I think you’re suffering from a lack of vitamin me.

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Your hand looks heavy; can I hold it for you?

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Hey baby (wink and pistol fingers)” I laughed it off as it was quite comical

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Are you a queen?
Because i would be more than happy to fly my flag for you

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You can dump tea in my harbor any time.

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Are you an onion cos I want to remove your layers.

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Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?

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