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British pick up lines 💂 in 2024

Hey are you the British economy?
Because I want to give you a weak pound.

You can dump tea in my harbor any time.

Wish I was British so I could say “could you polish me nob?”

Did you sit in sugar?
Because you have a sweet ass.

Are you the British museum Cuz you stole my (he)art

This may be cheesy, but I think you’re grate.

Do you plan on going to see Big Ben anytime soon, because he’s right here in my pants.

I understand the British are coming. I have to believe it’s all your fault, baby…

Are you my phone charger?
Because without you, I’d die.

Are you British?
Cuz you just colonised my heart.

Hey babe, can I colonize your land and exploit you for your natural resources.

If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute cumber.

Somebody call the cops. It’s got to be illegal to look that good.

Hey girl, are you the British economy?
Because I want to give you a weak pound.

Damn gurl, are you British?
Because you just conquered my heart

Do you know what my shirt is made of?
Girlfriend material?

Hello. Cupid called. He said he wants my heart back.

Have you got the time… I’ve got the time if you’ve got the place!

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