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Bible pick up lines ⛪ in 2024

I just don’t feel called to celibacy.

How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?

Unfortunately I can’t perform miracles, and I’ve only got enough bread and fish for two people.

The fact that I’ve met you shows that God loves me.

How would you like to join my purpose driven life?

I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you… and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder

The Bible says to bring all our requests to God. I’ve prayed … and here you are.

I didn’t believe in predestination until I met you tonight.

Baby you’re just like water, except Jesus turned you into fine.

The word says ‘Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry’… how about dinner?

You and me, we’re like loaves and fishes. We just might be a miracle together.

How about you and I go light a candle together?

I like my girl like I like my Microsoft word documents…saved!

If you’re looking for a man with good credit, Jesus paid my debt.

I’m pretty much considered an elder in the congregation these days.

Unfortunately I can’t perform miracles, and I’ve only got enough bread and fish for two people.

You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.

I used to believe in natural theology, but since I met you I’ve converted to divine revelation.

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