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Bible pick up lines ⛪ in 2024

You are perfect, except with all the sin.

Is your name David?
Because you’re a man after my own heart.

I’d make like Jacob and work seven years for you to be my bride.

I’m usually not very prophetic, but I can see you and I together.

What’s your name and number so I can add you to my “prayer” list?

Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.

For you I would slay two Goliaths.

Is your name Grace?
Because you are amazing.

So last night I was reading in the book of Numbers, and I realized… I don’t have yours!

I feel like God’s telling me that you should go on a date with me.

Your name must be Milk or Honey… ‘cuz you feel like something I was promised.

Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you? 

Proverbs said that whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips. Feel free to shower me in honesty.

I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.

Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead.

I’m no Joseph… perhaps you can help me interpreting the dreams I’ve been having about you?

Let me check your tag… Yep, just as I thought – Made In Heaven.

So uh, what’re you doing for the rest of you eternity?

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