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Baseball pick up lines ⚾ in 2024

They call me “The Lead” because the A’s bullpen wants to blow me

Come back to my place and i’ll show you what a real sabermagician does

Us baseball players know our way around the bases.

If you date me, you’ll eventually see a diamond.

Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart like it’s home plate.

Two more follows, and we can start the giveaway! Come on, people, I draw pretty okay too

I just want something quick to fill a gap, let’s hook up on a one-year deal and then look at our option years later

Are you Eric Sogard because there’s no way I’d ever forget your

They say to bat me 2nd because I’m a good 2-hole hitter

Looks like you’re the big-ticket free agent, and I got lotta money to spend.

Are you in the on deck circle, or is that halo?

Hey girl. do you have a club option?
Because my interest in you is mutual.

They call me Derek Jeter because I got loose hips and I’m good at stroking balls away

As a baseball player, I know my way around the bases.

Hey girl, I’ve been warming up this bench for you, MY WHOLE LIFE.

Dang, girl. You’re a fielder’s choice.

Even though there’s no ball game on tonight, ill still be slamming something out of the park.

Yeah, girl, I could take you to the ball, or I could bring the ball to you…

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