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Anti pick up lines in 2025

You’re so hot that if someone threw a grenade at you, I’d probably throw it back because falling on it sounds like a really dumb idea.

What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
Nothing. I can’t talk and laugh at the same time.

Man: Do you sleep on your stomach?
Woman: No…
Man: Can I?

Do you work for UPS?
Because i could swear that you were checking out my package.

You must be a parking ticket because you have fine written all over you
You must be a wellfare check then.

That outfit looks great on you..
.. It would look even better crumpled up in a pile in an evidence bag

Is your name macaulay culkin?
cuz you’re going home alone.

Your skin would make a nice coat.

Would you also change it so that I is an object, therefore making your previous sentence grammatically correct? And besides, I already organized the alphabet so that N and O are right next to each other.

Oh, come on. Lower your standards a little
I just did.

if you were my sister i’d totally get with you.

Can you leave your door unlocked and your underwear drawer open when you go to work?

You’re so hot you melt the plastic in my underwear

What sign were you born under?
No Parking.

Man: “Let’s play Titanic. You’ll be the Titanic, and I’ll be the iceberg making you go down.”
Woman: “That would be a massive disaster.”

Do Your feet hurt?
Because you’ve been stomping on my dreams for 3 years now

You look… clean

So…wanna come back to my place?
I Dont Know If two people can fit in a box on the street.

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