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Fortnite pick up lines 🔫 in 2024

Can i be your victory royale?

You must be a Scar, you have Golden written all over you.

I just survived Titled Towers, so I’m totally looted up right now.

You have built into my heart.

Girl are you a Scar?
You are Golden.

You have built into my heart.

Quick, hide in my ATK.

If you are a default, I will carry you all night long.

Girl are you victory royal? You are my only one out of 100.

So, do you have a lot of materials that need harvesting? I’m a great harvester!

No shockwave grenade is going to keeps you away from me.

Damn girl, you must be purple save.

You must be Cupid cause you pierced my heart. 

I promise I ain’t no double-pump chump.

You just won the battle royal to my heart.

Call me cupid Cause I Just landed a crossbow shot to your heart.

How about you let me explore that chest of yours, huh?

I’ll show you how to have fun in pleasant park

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